03-08-2007, 12:46pm
Dont want to rain on your legal parade and not having anything to do with this im not commenting on whats happened but maybe before seeking legal action(expensive for both parties) take a breath and think how deep are you gonna end up? legal action in my experience has gotten people to two places.
1) in debt and suffering bad health from stress and the like of the situation.
2) 6 foot under from a heart attack due to stress
at the end of the day its not worth it for anyone except lawyers. Best bet is to play the xbox or soemthing simlar blow some shit up in the imaginary world and let off some steam. there is no reason (that i know of) that you cant remain a part ofthe club. this club is about one thing our love of our bikes. sure we have lotsa ups and downs and all manner of other problems but in the end we are all here for the same reason. like i said blow some shit up on the xbox or computer blow off your steam that way then pack some lunch jump on your bike and go for a nice picnic along your favourite stretch of road.
1) in debt and suffering bad health from stress and the like of the situation.
2) 6 foot under from a heart attack due to stress
at the end of the day its not worth it for anyone except lawyers. Best bet is to play the xbox or soemthing simlar blow some shit up in the imaginary world and let off some steam. there is no reason (that i know of) that you cant remain a part ofthe club. this club is about one thing our love of our bikes. sure we have lotsa ups and downs and all manner of other problems but in the end we are all here for the same reason. like i said blow some shit up on the xbox or computer blow off your steam that way then pack some lunch jump on your bike and go for a nice picnic along your favourite stretch of road.