02-08-2007, 12:05am
Mutha Wrote:I spent a few hours with Rocket last night, He was in great spirit and looking better. If all go's well he should be going home on Sunday. to a more comfortable environment. He is not connected to any tubes anymore and he is eating food and keeping it down. He had enough chocolate with him to start a candy shop. He will have a nurse visit him a couple of times a week, when he gets home, and he will see his local doctor. It's a lot better than having to spend time in a depressing hospital.
I really need to give up smoking after seeing some of the patients in his ward, it makes me cringe.
He says he will be online soon, so he can to sort all you buggers out.
Watch out
TezBeep Beep.
I went in tonight and was amazed at how fiesty Rocket is.
His body may not be 100% but he is in great spirits, has very little pain and is talking really positively.
It's also great to see him enjoying a bit of food again.
And since he has been told he can go home from this Sunday he is like a new man.
He has lots of things he wants to do and is positively focussed.
You never know we may even see him at a coffee night!