31-07-2007, 06:18pm
just out out curiosity where the f*** do you get off bringing a personal argument you have with another member onto every f*&^ing thread he posts on? I also won one of those kits but if he's having some personal problems then I'm happy to wait. last time I checked Raz wasan'nt a company like easyrider or bling parts or thunder composites, he's just a bloke who was trying to help out to make Jindy a bit more enjoyable for the rest of us and if you're so f*&^ing pissed mate why dont you put your f*&^ing hand into your own f*&^ing pocket and donate something since it seems to be so importaint to you. Please correct me if im wrong but I didn't see too many other guys digging into their own bank accounts to make an offer to help out (im not refering to the guys with companys who donated heaps) but he did and you think that because you havn't recievedyour f*&^ing model kit yet that it gives you the right to cram that shit down everyone who comes on the boards throat!
I apologise to the rest of you guys and girls for the somewhat excessive language but aparently thats the only thing he understands or perhaps constantly calling someone a c*** is classed as joke to you mate.
i've f*&^ing had it with this bullshit board.
I apologise to the rest of you guys and girls for the somewhat excessive language but aparently thats the only thing he understands or perhaps constantly calling someone a c*** is classed as joke to you mate.
i've f*&^ing had it with this bullshit board.