Life after death?...and other small questions...!
The best idea is to keep going to shrinks and ask them where,when and why you are going to die and then just not turn up.
Could be like Johnny Howard and say I didn't remember.

Messages In This Thread
Life after death?...and other small questions...! - by DjPete - 04-07-2007, 03:50pm
RE: Life after death?...and other small questions...! - by BLACKZOOK - 04-07-2007, 05:12pm
RE: Life after death?...and other small questions...! - by spamanglenn - 04-07-2007, 06:11pm
RE: Life after death?...and other small questions...! - by BLACKZOOK - 04-07-2007, 09:35pm
RE: Life after death?...and other small questions...! - by imagunna - 13-07-2007, 10:24pm

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