Don't like being questioned huh?

Yes, I value bling more than performance and so do some others. Doesn't make you right, though I wonder what would value more if you had a company that sold bling parts... Have you sold your Staintunes yet?

Getting personal for you is it? No, of course it's not... (DJ, where's that violin gone?)
Quote:Any claims i make are based on either measured results...all I did was ask about how those measurements may be affected by other variables. Still waiting for that answer, by the way...

Quote:what would i and a large percentage of the club know...ummmmh, lots, that's why I ask plenty of questions...
Quote:Did you see me in the slower groups on the track day puffing up my egoA bit of accusing happening here...??? Did you ever hear me in the slower group boasting or "puffing my ego"? All my friends were in that group, where I have always ridden, and this was my first time in the medium group! Not to mention my brakes were fading and I didn't want to hold up (you) faster riders. I've never claimed to be fast and you know that! You're just projecting your issues onto me! You never bag people faster than you but you sure seem to enjoy challenging people slower than you!

Quote:Now go shine your staintunes
Yes, I value bling more than performance and so do some others. Doesn't make you right, though I wonder what would value more if you had a company that sold bling parts... Have you sold your Staintunes yet?
Quote:Those that see me as a dart board can ride to coffs harbour...Ummmmh, is there something you're trying to imply here?

Getting personal for you is it? No, of course it's not... (DJ, where's that violin gone?)