15-05-2007, 07:55am
Quote:Glad to see you are wearing pants Big George.
I don't get it Heidi. But if you're glad, so am I.
Quote:G'day George. its a small world. Charlie and I discussed your case this morning. Looks a goer from my end. Nice nav light, is that for tac flying?
Hey Glen! You're talking about those 3 letter headlights, correct? If so... let's do it! Nav light? I think you're talking about my alarm status light on the tail.
Quote:everything but cushion grips
Cushion grips? You guys suffer from a high amount of vibrations in the UK? I'll have to see what you're talking about so I'll be laughing too.
Quote:Did you have any problems when plating the clutch cover?? I have the same Canadian Mike cover and was wondering how the two halves would mesh and seal after plating.
Bruce... I didn't have any problems with the seal whatsoever.
Thanks folks for the welcome!