11-05-2007, 11:21pm
I could be interested - every second week though.
I motor out there to collect one of my dole cheques, and it gets so boring slowing for red light speed cameras, pig camera Subarus parked up on the footpath, uniformed hoon patrols, 40kph school zones, lollipop pedophiles and the occaisional mobile marquee (an obese islamic female pedest-hairian)
A real ride would be good
I motor out there to collect one of my dole cheques, and it gets so boring slowing for red light speed cameras, pig camera Subarus parked up on the footpath, uniformed hoon patrols, 40kph school zones, lollipop pedophiles and the occaisional mobile marquee (an obese islamic female pedest-hairian)
A real ride would be good