27-04-2007, 11:42pm
Geeze... Rocket must have been moving fast, his Kanji's tilted forward ! Either they position them differently on the newer models or theres something unusual about your decal placement Rocket.
But... looks like a great day for a GOR ride ! I envy you guys that road. Mind you, you can keep the winter weather ! I like being able to ride all year round (suitably bundled up for winter in warm riding gear of course !). I've not done the GOR on a bike since 2003. Great riders road.
But... looks like a great day for a GOR ride ! I envy you guys that road. Mind you, you can keep the winter weather ! I like being able to ride all year round (suitably bundled up for winter in warm riding gear of course !). I've not done the GOR on a bike since 2003. Great riders road.