18-04-2007, 10:38am
Well Im open to the idea of it all even if I dont feel I have need of it. But hey lets be honest here, this is the net not a private freemasons lodge with guard outside vetting one and all who goes in with a sword in his hand lol. The net is a pretty open place and often easily broken into places otherwise closed off to others. Do you think if Mr. Plod wants to get in he cant? one way or another, and what about our nice and friendly Mr. Plod Breh.... ? or our nice friendly angel do we say hey 'you cant come in'?
My opinion is if you wanna flame or shit on someones head you take it to PM. If you wanna brag about your weekends 300+ speeds, we dont believe ya anyway lol. Personally I just cant see the need for it and perhaps would rather be transparent with no where to hide. But if theres a strong demand and still want to go ahead with it I wont be objecting.
My opinion is if you wanna flame or shit on someones head you take it to PM. If you wanna brag about your weekends 300+ speeds, we dont believe ya anyway lol. Personally I just cant see the need for it and perhaps would rather be transparent with no where to hide. But if theres a strong demand and still want to go ahead with it I wont be objecting.
Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.