Worst Avatar ever competition
You all know that certain avatars just drive me mad. Dunno why, I also don't know if it is just me or if they upset others. I would have given the crown to that dancing chewbacca thingy DJ used to have, but Glen, that fucken hippie playing the cowbell leaves it for dead. Congratulations mate...... WORST AVATAR EVER. Trophy Lol3
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"

Messages In This Thread
Worst Avatar ever competition - by m8ee - 13-04-2007, 11:13am
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by ROD - 13-04-2007, 11:21am
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by Gassick - 13-04-2007, 11:27am
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by Ruffy - 13-04-2007, 11:35am
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by RaZz0R - 13-04-2007, 11:43am
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by GlenTC - 13-04-2007, 11:43am
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by DjPete - 13-04-2007, 12:04pm
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by Ward P - 13-04-2007, 07:10pm
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by RaZz0R - 13-04-2007, 01:24pm
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by Volvi - 13-04-2007, 01:57pm
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by Mutha - 13-04-2007, 08:55pm
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by Astro - 13-04-2007, 10:00pm
RE: Worst Avatar ever competition - by GlenTC - 13-04-2007, 10:47pm

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