12-04-2007, 04:31pm
To whom it may concern,
I am an untrustworthy citizen of Australia. In fact, I can't even be trusted to use the word citizen. Maybe the word terrorist is more apt. Even though after turning five I had to pay full fare for all public transport, movies and any other amuzing public convenience, I am still untrusted to turn right when there is no traffic coming, or regulate my own speed according to conditions. Even though since turning 18 some 18 years ago I've been allowed to have a say in who is going to Govern and represent 20 million other Australians in the world, I am unable to stop for pedestrians unless told to and can only accelerate out of towns in the prescribed 80 kph then 100 kph as sign posted (for some reason you cannot accelerate from 60 to 100 unless there is an 80 kph sign in the middle of the other two speed zones!).
Therefore I cannot but imagine the enormous calamity that would befall the free, Western society that I live in if I should decide to ride a motorbike the whole kilometre to the corner store to get some milk and a paper whilst wearing shorts and a singlet. Though many may try this on a push bike of sorts, the motorcycle is just toooooooooo dangerous!
I have a dream. A dream that one day there will be no motorbikes, no scooters, no V8s or turbo powered 4s, no parachuting, climbing mountains/cliffs, skiing, skating, water skiing, sailing, scuba diving, hang gliding, or anyother acitivity that might make my meat bag of existence exceed a posted speed limit.
What this world needs is more policemen and more regulations. One only has to look at Bloshy Vic, the nobbiest state in the world. Not that many years ago Vic was heaven on earth. But the state now would make Hitler and Lenin blush. That's what we need nowadays. The standard of driving under the Bolshy is so inept it makes dodgem cars at the carnival look like an orderly Regal procession along the Trafalgar. But the point is, it doesn't matter, coz everyone is under the speed limit. And that's what counts! Everyone knows you can't die if you travel under the speed limit!
Thank you.
PS Can I have a green card? Apparently at least in America they believe in LIBERTY and justice for all.:bird::ausflag:
I am an untrustworthy citizen of Australia. In fact, I can't even be trusted to use the word citizen. Maybe the word terrorist is more apt. Even though after turning five I had to pay full fare for all public transport, movies and any other amuzing public convenience, I am still untrusted to turn right when there is no traffic coming, or regulate my own speed according to conditions. Even though since turning 18 some 18 years ago I've been allowed to have a say in who is going to Govern and represent 20 million other Australians in the world, I am unable to stop for pedestrians unless told to and can only accelerate out of towns in the prescribed 80 kph then 100 kph as sign posted (for some reason you cannot accelerate from 60 to 100 unless there is an 80 kph sign in the middle of the other two speed zones!).
Therefore I cannot but imagine the enormous calamity that would befall the free, Western society that I live in if I should decide to ride a motorbike the whole kilometre to the corner store to get some milk and a paper whilst wearing shorts and a singlet. Though many may try this on a push bike of sorts, the motorcycle is just toooooooooo dangerous!
I have a dream. A dream that one day there will be no motorbikes, no scooters, no V8s or turbo powered 4s, no parachuting, climbing mountains/cliffs, skiing, skating, water skiing, sailing, scuba diving, hang gliding, or anyother acitivity that might make my meat bag of existence exceed a posted speed limit.
What this world needs is more policemen and more regulations. One only has to look at Bloshy Vic, the nobbiest state in the world. Not that many years ago Vic was heaven on earth. But the state now would make Hitler and Lenin blush. That's what we need nowadays. The standard of driving under the Bolshy is so inept it makes dodgem cars at the carnival look like an orderly Regal procession along the Trafalgar. But the point is, it doesn't matter, coz everyone is under the speed limit. And that's what counts! Everyone knows you can't die if you travel under the speed limit!
Thank you.
PS Can I have a green card? Apparently at least in America they believe in LIBERTY and justice for all.:bird::ausflag: