02-04-2007, 12:40pm
Thanx Bill for a great days riding..I know there were a couple of hiccups but nothing serious..Being my 1st ride with this club,I didn't know a lot of (well most) you and we didn't do a lot of socialising during the day.Firstly I think I may owe an apology to the duo on the red/black busa..I had to cut back in on you on a corner unexpectedly when a car put in an appearance,I think there was room but if I startled you or put you off please accept my apology.I thought the class of riding was good and didn't see or hear of any mishaps or close calls.Which is always a blessing with a larger group. Lunch without our lost leader,whom I believe was accompanying a 'bird with gps,was not bad at all.But they definitly need better signage.Had a blast and thanks to all who were on the ride. btw;the person down at the 1st accident was a pillion who had fallen off the back of a harley at about 90kmh after suspected fainting..was wearing the right gear and was concussed and skinned about the legs.The 2nd bike with no front end was put into the embankment at speed and he was not very healthy.This info I recieved while talking to the chopper medics for 2 hrs waiting for rescuers at a car accident on Beechmont.Those chopper guys are awesome and we should all remember them on occasion.Gr8 day,gr8 ride,safe ending..if for me a little stressful. See y'all on the next!