Poll: What colour scheme Hayabusa do you have ? (Original colour)
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Copper / Silver
7 14.00%
Red / Black
12 24.00%
Red / Silver
3 6.00%
Blue / Silver
3 6.00%
Blue / Black
3 6.00%
Black / Purple
6 12.00%
Black / Silver
8 16.00%
Grey / Silver
3 6.00%
Grey / Blue
0 0%
Anniversary and Other solid colour
5 10.00%
Total 50 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ?
Dear all... I sincerely welcome your feedback. Truly I do. If you feel the need to vent because you have grey and not silver, then please.... vent. If the world has been unkind and having your bikes colour mis-quoted or ignored is just the last straw... then please, avail yourself of this opportunity to let off some steam. Don't hold it in. That might lead to self-destructive outcomes. Consider this our small and insignificant contribution to the betterment of mental health in this wonderful country of ours.

If that doesn't work, seek advice from a professional counselor or a life coach/mentor. My terms are competitive. I do home and office visits. No judgments, just an open mind, active listening, practical, helpful advice and absolute confidentiality.

There.... feeling better already aren't we ?

Just breathe and relax.

You may call me... Dr. Rob.

The doctor is in.

(p.s. - The 'Dr.' and 'doctor' references are in jest and are not intended to be read as fact. I'm not a doctor. I do however have extensive mentoring, consulting and counseling skills. Geeze... this disclaimer is turning into an advert !)

Messages In This Thread
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by 1hotbusa - 21-03-2007, 08:04am
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by The Wild Wind - 21-03-2007, 09:25am
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by maggot - 21-03-2007, 09:31am
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by The Wild Wind - 21-03-2007, 09:42am
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by The Wild Wind - 21-03-2007, 10:53am
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by Astro - 21-03-2007, 11:35am
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by RaZz0R - 21-03-2007, 06:12pm
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by maggot - 21-03-2007, 07:08pm
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by bandit - 21-03-2007, 07:11pm
RE: What colour combo Hayabusa do you have ? - by maggot - 21-03-2007, 07:40pm

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