
Who was the gutless piece of gutter shit that hotmailed me. Being now out in the open I trust you have the guts to put a name to it. As for giving me a flogging, please see me anywhere you name. Would love to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be posted on the other board as well.

Regards Col

Messages In This Thread
Hotmail - by col - 08-05-2001, 12:11am
sorry - by Heidi1 - 08-05-2001, 12:53pm
Re: What the Hell?? - by Frosty - 08-05-2001, 01:49pm
Re: What the Hell?? - by demeester - 08-05-2001, 03:55pm
Re: What the hell?? - by James - 08-05-2001, 06:01pm

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