gazzas attempt at re-stirring
Australian Club Member
(1/30/01 12:33:52 am)
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Re: Re weekend at Col's and Heidi in Canb.
Obviously Col from 10/10ths knows what he's doing. So why is it that you trust his figures and yet when another bike done on someone else's dyno - yes...Pete's bike (of Pete's Pitstop done on the same brand of Dyno and, I'm told, with considerable input from Col and John Philips to set the dyno up in the first place) - shows similar figures after similar mods you denounce them as SHAYSTER PONIES or fairy ponies? Wasn't it also you who said you couldn't get those sorts of figures from a Hayabusa without serious internal engine mods?

If anyone is interested I can point them to a dynograph image that was generated from the aforementioned dyno. I didn't think it worth posting another image up here that is practically identical to busababy's. You've seen one dyno graph, you've seen them all.

I hasten to add, and to quote you busababy, "no offence intended here either, just responding to clarify,,"

Messages In This Thread
gazzas attempt at re-stirring - by Volvi - 30-01-2001, 12:06am
Re: gazzas attempt at re-stirring - by Volvi - 14-03-2001, 12:36am

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