Current club

What I wrote, and why I started this thread, was to highlight that the other group is not a replacement of this group, it is an alternative, and for those who do join the alternative, keep us in mind and pay us a visit every now and then back here. It was not meant to start any rows, again.

This club did not start up professing to offer anything other than a social presence, some ride days, and an internet site to exchange ideas. No-one is pretending we ever offered anything more? We are not a registered club, because we do not want to have to collect GST if we sell t-shirts, or have elections for committees to make a hand full of decisions, club accounts that need to be audited, and so on. The new club is endeavouring to be a full on club, with give-aways, discount offers, etc.

I hope the new club does manage to offer all those other features that we lack here, and they do appear to have some members willing to offer the input to make a full-on club work. It is a pity those members were not willing to make such a commitment here, many months ago, before the disagreements/embarrasments began, but c'est la vie.

Personally all I ever wanted was a web-site to hang out at and some fellow Busa owners to ride with a few times a year. This is all we offer, and it is enough for me at this time. If any members here want to make the commitment to take this club up a few notches, that would be great, but I do not see this as a need or a priority.

Good luck with the new club, Blue.

Messages In This Thread
Current club - by demeester - 10-11-2000, 09:07am
Re: Current club - by busababy - 10-11-2000, 12:00pm
Re: Current club - by Heidi1 - 10-11-2000, 12:06pm
Re: Current club - by busababy - 10-11-2000, 12:30pm
Get It Right - by bluebusa - 10-11-2000, 03:54pm
And To Add !! - by bluebusa - 10-11-2000, 04:25pm
Re: Get It Right - by demeester - 10-11-2000, 04:28pm
This is Why - by bluebusa - 10-11-2000, 11:00pm
Re: Current club - by jamie - 11-11-2000, 11:16am
Some Observations - by BigMac088 - 15-11-2000, 11:48am
Re: Some Observations - by Fox - 16-11-2000, 12:20pm
Hmmmm - by C43 - 16-11-2000, 10:34pm
Yep your right - by BigMac088 - 16-11-2000, 10:59pm

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