Discussion Board
Discussion Board

It does exactly what it says at the top of the page.

You cant go around banning people just because you're the moderator. It is a DISCUSSION BOARD fer Krist sake!!

this is where people DISCUSS THEIR BELIEFS in what ever they want to.
You dont agree?? tough @#%$. Discuss.

There is a lot of "petty @#%$" going on here boys, I know the whole ethos of the Aussie male is one of domination and being the best, well, ## NEWS FLASH ## it aint so on the internet. That dont wash no more.

If the few who are in charge dont agree with a certain issue, they cannot delete, or ban the author, just because it goes against their personal views, this DISCUSSION BOARD has access from the entire WORLD, in which, some cultures would seriously shock,....

Post which are not (for a better phrase) "Environmentally acceptable" quickly get washed under the carpet, although, having been a regular visitor here for a while, perhaps they will stay on page 1 for quite a while............

So what's gonna hapen eh? Boss banned? Volvi resign?

Grow the @#%$ up.

Thought you were all supposed to be over the age of 10...This is life. HELLO!!! differences always occur. If you cant deal with them and accept that sometimes you are wrong, mis-informed, or slightly off course, AND be able to accept others points of view without getting yer knickers in a twist then you shouldnt be here

Just my 2 penneth.
Delete if you like, I dont care. Its posted on LABUSAS.ORG as a record under AUSSIE SITE FULL OF TESTOSTERONE

Messages In This Thread
Discussion Board - by NumbNuts - 27-10-2000, 09:39am
Re: Discussion Board - by demeester - 27-10-2000, 09:46am
Re: Discussion Board - by demeester - 27-10-2000, 09:47am
Re: Discussion Board - by Volvi - 27-10-2000, 10:25am
what the @#%$ - by fish antlers - 27-10-2000, 02:30pm
Re: Discussion Board - by fish antlers - 27-10-2000, 02:32pm
Re: Discussion Board - by Fox - 27-10-2000, 04:18pm
Re: Discussion Board - by GLENN - 27-10-2000, 10:23pm

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