26-10-2000, 08:09am
After great consideration I have decided that stuff you Volvi why don't you piss off and take your incorrect information with you.I have forgotten more about motorcycles than two of you would or will ever know.Les asked where I got my information from ........the answer Suzuki Australia Like all and any information I post on this board I confirm it before posting it.So Hey I'm back and to Volvi in short ....STICK IT UP YOUR A.R.S.E and the details to the rest of this we shall sort out when next we meet and as the saying goes you can take that to the bank.Also a little surprised Les how you chat away to me on the phone helping you sort out your problems (twice in the last two days)but when it comes to the crunch your so far up Volvi's a.r.s.e you can't find your self.Sorry if this offends any one but so be it.Find it very hard to sit back and say nothing while some moron fills people with information on a subject they know bugger all about.
See Ya Boss
See Ya Boss