(I am SO easy to please)

I am running the second only school holiday program at the National Library that week, but if I wag Thursday afternoon and ride like the clappers, I can be there Friday some time and take my time heading back.

YAY! I'm going to the GP!

Messages In This Thread
OH MAN!!! - by Heidi1 - 27-06-2001, 03:16pm
Re: OH MAN!!! - by Gary and Jo Putnins - 27-06-2001, 03:32pm
YAY! - by Heidi1 - 27-06-2001, 03:44pm
Re: YAY! - by Fox - 27-06-2001, 07:08pm
gp - by jamie - 27-06-2001, 07:30pm
Re: gp - by demeester - 28-06-2001, 09:59am

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