nothing to do with bikes (sorry)
I Know of a Hotel in Hoddle street opposite the Richmond football ground for $70 per night.Rooms are very nice and have just been renovated. For more info call me on 0407370913 from monday BUSA RULES

Messages In This Thread
nothing to do with bikes (sorry) - by Heidi1 - 18-05-2001, 01:28pm
Help for Heidi - by col - 19-05-2001, 12:24am
bikes - by jamie - 19-05-2001, 08:30am
Non Bikes - by James - 19-05-2001, 12:12pm
Re: Non Bikes - by busababy - 19-05-2001, 08:43pm
Re: nothing to do with bikes (sorry) - by GLENN - 20-05-2001, 12:07am
Re: nothing to do with bikes (sorry) - by demeester - 21-05-2001, 10:39am
Thanks lots - by Heidi1 - 22-05-2001, 05:08pm
Re: Thanks lots - by Fox - 22-05-2001, 06:12pm
c'mon - by Heidi1 - 22-05-2001, 06:14pm
Re: c'mon - by demeester - 23-05-2001, 09:33am

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