The Power Wars
G'day one and all,

So, we all think the Busa is the best thing since sliced bread? That it's the best darn sports tourer since the CB750 hit our shores in 1969! That it's the bike all others are measured by? And by far has the most power for us mear mortals that try to hang on to this beastie. Hey, I would have to agree.

Today opened a new chapter in power, so we have all seen the results of the mufflers/full systems, the air box mods, the filters and re mapping, and we generally know what the result will be, give or take a few ponies. So you ask, what the hell is this all about?

Simple, OKay, so I know I'll be thrown down a well and pissed on for this slander, however there is a new king on my dyno. This bike had a muzzy full system and a PC3 and NOTHING else. The best result from a busa has been 181 hp, this baby hit 184 hp and I think there was more to come. Available time let us down.

Now I hang my head in shame, that bike was a ZX1200, and I was stunned. Man did that thing hum. It's now time to get even.

I hang my head in shame.

Regards Col


Messages In This Thread
The Power Wars - by col - 02-05-2001, 11:09pm
Re: The Power Wars - by busababy - 03-05-2001, 12:04am
power wars - by col - 03-05-2001, 12:18am
Re: power wars - by demeester - 03-05-2001, 09:58am
Re: The Power Wars - by Frosty - 03-05-2001, 07:35pm
The Power Wars - by K one W one - 03-05-2001, 09:59pm
Re: The Power Wars - by busababy - 03-05-2001, 10:28pm
Re: The Power Wars - by JP - 03-05-2001, 11:23pm
re power wars - by col - 03-05-2001, 11:38pm
Power Wars - by Frosty - 04-05-2001, 08:31am
Re: Power Wars - by demeester - 04-05-2001, 09:41am
Re power wars - by col - 05-05-2001, 12:43am

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