14-03-2001, 05:18pm
Yeah!! Right On...
Well said James, Bested, Gazza,Redbus, Jes.
Back in the pre gulf war days (when I was a lad...etc)
a mate (on his L's) sold his GPX250 and bought a ZX-10.
He only had his learners for 3 months but he (we) had
extensive dirt bike experiance.
He had no probs at all with handling the ten.
As for my 2c worth, go with your heart.
Well said James, Bested, Gazza,Redbus, Jes.
Back in the pre gulf war days (when I was a lad...etc)
a mate (on his L's) sold his GPX250 and bought a ZX-10.
He only had his learners for 3 months but he (we) had
extensive dirt bike experiance.
He had no probs at all with handling the ten.
As for my 2c worth, go with your heart.