16-11-2000, 11:15pm
phill, i have looked over my posts in this thread and see nowherethat i have 'bagged' Boss (pete) or his business - nor was itever on my agenda, i think that you have mischievous and incitefulintentions in coming here and saying that on this board,,
as far as the 'filter bizzo' is concerned, i stand by myvery innocent post directed to richard about the airbox mod,,
the argument put forward by yourself and c43 regardinghigh performance air filters was never in contention, but ithad little to do with my post to richard, which was unnecessarilyattacked - but debated without blood,,
as far as the 'filter bizzo' is concerned, i stand by myvery innocent post directed to richard about the airbox mod,,
the argument put forward by yourself and c43 regardinghigh performance air filters was never in contention, but ithad little to do with my post to richard, which was unnecessarilyattacked - but debated without blood,,