15-11-2000, 06:19pm
Bmac, All your praises sung are true...had the Boss man do my bike last week and the results are phenomenal. Now with mods there are two ways to go, one being an interested 'I'll try this at home...' or "I better get this done right'. I chose the latter and yep! pete does know what he's doing...no doubts about that! And Busababy, with all due respect, how in the world can you make a claim that an expensive air filter is not needed. The entire modification is based on free flow theory and to clog it up with a cheap third rate filter is not the way to do it. Please, if you want to give advice, give the right sort and not lead people down the garden path...thats not what a club is about!
And if you want to know what gives me the authority, well I own a performance modification warehouse for high performance cars for over 9 years now and I know what brings results in time an time again...and the first place you start is the air intake and air filter! My apologies if I have offended you...not my intention.
And if you want to know what gives me the authority, well I own a performance modification warehouse for high performance cars for over 9 years now and I know what brings results in time an time again...and the first place you start is the air intake and air filter! My apologies if I have offended you...not my intention.