Please Help!
Thanks very much Volvi! I'll try the dealers you've listed
to see if they can sell and ship the parts. I'll look into
the prices, currency exchange, and tariffs etc. It's good to know that I've found that they're available over there.
If I succeed, the bike will be extreemly unique here in the
states. None of my friends, nor have I, ever seen one of this color except in pictures. I'm sure there may be only a
few, if any, here in the US. Thanks very much for the info!
I'll let you know how I fair.
Thanks- the redman

Messages In This Thread
Please Help! - by redman1300 - 23-09-2000, 09:56am
Re: Please Help! - by Volvi - 23-09-2000, 06:57pm
Re: Please Help! - by redman1300 - 23-09-2000, 09:58pm
Re: Please Help! - by Volvi - 24-09-2000, 07:49am
Re: Please Help! - by redman1300 - 25-09-2000, 12:32pm
Re: Please Help! - by redman1300 - 26-09-2000, 03:31pm

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