Yea !!! Great Ride
I hear my alarm but I am one step ahead
I scratch my head and jump out of bed
I brush my teeth and toast the bread,
I look at the sky which broadens my smile,
I don my boots and slip on my vest,
I scoot down the servo with mint still on my breath,
I fill my tank with 22 litres of the best,
I twist the throttle and think ahead
I arrive at the café to meet the rest,
but only Jamie sits there on the bench,
Gazza arrives before too long,
however the rest fail to show for the sunny day show
so its off to the black spur we three head,
but no sooner we reach the outskirts of town
we spot three familiar machines up ahead,
why low and behold its 3 big bad boys with their toys
Pete, Phil and Glenn just by coincidence
are heading for the same destination,
the copper kings are badly outnumbered
by those red beasts of burden,
its now six and things get pretty serious,
before too long we hit the spur
and by lunchtime we sit at the pub in Buxton,
I spill my beer over Pete's clean shirt
just to create some extra excitement,
we eat and drink and relive those tight turns
before we head to yea the back way,,
Glenn tries to see if the busa will aquaplane
as he glides graciously through the mud plains,,
with great skill and expertise he keeps his copper beast in check,
Jamie with his keen sense lends Glenn a helping hand,
more coffee and cake in Yea before homeward bound,,

A great ride was had by the six of us
Edited by: busababy Edited by: 9/17/00 1:14:01 am

Messages In This Thread
Yea !!! Great Ride - by Boss2 - 16-09-2000, 07:31pm
Re: Yea !!! Great Ride - by jamie - 16-09-2000, 09:29pm
YEA - by GLENN - 16-09-2000, 11:12pm
Re: Yea !!! Great Ride - by GLENN - 16-09-2000, 11:29pm
Re: Yea !!! Great Ride - poetry in motion........ - by busababy - 16-09-2000, 11:56pm
Yea !!! Great Ride - by Phillby - 17-09-2000, 10:02am
Re: Yea !!! Great Ride - by Gary and Joanne - 19-09-2000, 08:00am
Re: Yea !!! Great Ride - by Gazza - 19-09-2000, 09:46am

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