Air Filters

Since you will be coming back here, could I ask if you have heard whether the bikes are still covered under warranty if the suite of mods is done - ie resisters and pink wires included? I presume a dynotune and airfilter is still OK with Suzuki? What about the air box mod?

Perhaps feedback from a Suzuki rep would be most relevant here. Please don't answer this if you don't think it appropriate. I'm keen to get some work done.

While you're there, I think the Sydney weekend you put on was an exceptional effort - I'm disappointed I couldn't make it but I look forward to finding out more from the participants.


Messages In This Thread
Air Filters - by Volvi - 28-02-2001, 10:10am
Re: Air Filters - by demeester - 28-02-2001, 10:17am
Air Filters - by col - 02-03-2001, 09:55pm
Re: Air Filters - by James - 03-03-2001, 12:13am
Re: Air Filters - by bob - 03-03-2001, 09:41pm
Air Filters and others - by col - 06-03-2001, 11:24pm

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