MRP Screen
I still have the standard screen.

But, I have seen the Double Bubble fitted, and it seems to increase instrument visibility. Don't know if it really changes the amount of wind-buffering - the touring option seems to be more oriented towards doing this.

I think it will take a lot more than a screen to change the bike into a tourer, though (says the man who is a little apprehensive about riding to Sydney on Friday... )

Messages In This Thread
MRP Screen - by OhzOne - 18-02-2001, 11:31am
Re MRP Screen - by OZBUSA - 18-02-2001, 07:49pm
Re: MRP Screen - by OhzOne - 18-02-2001, 10:58pm
Re: MRP Screen - by demeester - 19-02-2001, 07:55am
Re: MRP Screen - by Fox - 19-02-2001, 09:16am
Re: MRP Screen - by demeester - 19-02-2001, 09:27am
Re: MRP Screen - by Volvi - 19-02-2001, 10:32am
Re: MRP Screen - by demeester - 19-02-2001, 10:41am
Re: MRP Screen - by OZBUSA - 19-02-2001, 06:21pm

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