17-11-2000, 10:59am
I forgot the thread - got sucked in myself ....
Anyway.Any thoughts on Slick 50? I ran it in my previous CBR1000 forabout 5 years and the bike seemed to run more freely.. less internalfriction I guess .. and at each oil change the old oil wasn'tblack and but retained the original "colour"?
After 64000k the Honda engine dyno'd at pretty much the samepower output as it had at 11000.
I am pretty certainI will add S50 to the busa next oil change and I was wonderingif anyone else had used it or similar?
Anyway.Any thoughts on Slick 50? I ran it in my previous CBR1000 forabout 5 years and the bike seemed to run more freely.. less internalfriction I guess .. and at each oil change the old oil wasn'tblack and but retained the original "colour"?
After 64000k the Honda engine dyno'd at pretty much the samepower output as it had at 11000.
I am pretty certainI will add S50 to the busa next oil change and I was wonderingif anyone else had used it or similar?