Clutch Hell
My Bandit 1200 was a MONSTER in traffic, I could dump the clutch and scream off anything at the lights. I've stopped trying on the bus as I've smoked up the back or stalled once too often. it is the only thing I don't like. Luckily it is only an issue when I go to Sydney, in Canb there isn't much call for lane splitting anyway.

Messages In This Thread
Clutch Hell - by LocoBus - 08-01-2001, 09:23pm
Re: Clutch Hell - by Volvi - 08-01-2001, 10:03pm
bugger - by Heidi1 - 09-01-2001, 04:30pm
Re: bugger - by warp310 - 12-01-2001, 11:37pm
MPS Clutch mod - by Crash4 - 16-01-2001, 08:27pm
Re MPS Clutch Mod - by Crash4 - 16-01-2001, 08:29pm
Re: MPS Clutch mod - by Volvi - 16-01-2001, 08:31pm
clutch probs - by col - 16-01-2001, 09:05pm

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