20-12-2000, 05:19pm
hi again gixx1300r,,
thanks for your input here, you have only confirmed what i have always believed, tickle here and tickle there and whammo, you have fairy ponies everywhere,,
to get real figures like yours you need to do some real work on the machine - as you have confirmed, not sure if it is all warranted given that the stock busa is already such a powerful beast, but it horses for courses (excuse the pun),,
great stuff gixx1300r,,
thanks for your input here, you have only confirmed what i have always believed, tickle here and tickle there and whammo, you have fairy ponies everywhere,,
to get real figures like yours you need to do some real work on the machine - as you have confirmed, not sure if it is all warranted given that the stock busa is already such a powerful beast, but it horses for courses (excuse the pun),,
great stuff gixx1300r,,