15-12-2000, 10:04pm
"The dyno that Volvi's bike was tested on measures about 10 horsepower lower than some others."
JP, just to clarify, that my bike was dynoed at the 'other' boards workshop some months ago, and the mapping appeared all to be spot on, so no adjustments were made.
BTW, I have always wondered whether the PCII with their mapping for Akropovic 4 into 1, is a worthwhile investment? Could you or Col give your opinions thereto.
JP, just to clarify, that my bike was dynoed at the 'other' boards workshop some months ago, and the mapping appeared all to be spot on, so no adjustments were made.
BTW, I have always wondered whether the PCII with their mapping for Akropovic 4 into 1, is a worthwhile investment? Could you or Col give your opinions thereto.