23-09-2000, 05:20pm
Hi Jamie! Nice pics! I enjoyed them, thanks. Looks like
there may be hope for me yet... It seems, by the photos, you
guys might be familiar with that red/black Busa I'm interested in. I want to change my bike to red/blk(view my
"please help" post). Can anyone help with dealer info?
I'm in the US and I want to order the OEM complete plastics
and tank. Any info would be great! Thanks!
the redman
there may be hope for me yet... It seems, by the photos, you
guys might be familiar with that red/black Busa I'm interested in. I want to change my bike to red/blk(view my
"please help" post). Can anyone help with dealer info?
I'm in the US and I want to order the OEM complete plastics
and tank. Any info would be great! Thanks!
the redman