Busa Handling
Hi there,

I recently changed my fork settings by dropping both tripple clamps 4mm and tightning the back suspension by 2mm.

I must say my bussa now flicks into and out of corners much better than standard.

Has anyone else made small changes in the handling area and if so what?

Love my busa.


Messages In This Thread
Busa Handling - by Marc - 18-08-2000, 02:13pm
Marc - by NumbNuts - 19-08-2000, 01:10am
HANDLING - by tim evans - 19-08-2000, 11:38pm
G'day - by Marc - 23-08-2000, 01:37pm
Marc - by NumbNuts - 24-08-2000, 12:06am
re: spelling - by Marc - 25-08-2000, 12:57pm
Busa - by NumbNuts - 25-08-2000, 07:03pm
re: busa handling - by Marc - 28-08-2000, 07:59am
busa handling - by gtb01 - 28-08-2000, 01:54pm
re: busa handling - by Marc - 28-08-2000, 02:45pm
Re: re: busa handling - by gtb01 - 28-08-2000, 10:17pm
re: busa handling - by Marc - 29-08-2000, 11:42am
NumbNuts, what the story with your stumble??? - by Dennis D - 30-08-2000, 12:19pm
re - by Heidi - 30-08-2000, 01:12pm
Re: Martyn's Boards - by Fox - 30-08-2000, 01:17pm

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