Want a Busa
Can't find a Hayabusa.

My problem is the availability of good used Busa's in Tasmania is limited and the few I've looked at could have been better, also the bike shops aren't interested in helping unless you want a new one.

So my question is does anyone know of a service, particularly in Vic, that can provide technical inspection of bike on your behalf before committing to travelling yourself to inspect the bike ? Airline situation at the moment sucks.

I've purchased a bike previously inter-state and got stung - I had a mechanic mate look at a bike while working in Melb. and in between him looking at it and this particular shop freighting it down here they changed parts on the bike, a big hassle to resolve. So I want to make sure I get what I want this time.

So I'm open to any ideas/suggestions, thanks


Messages In This Thread
Want a Busa - by WantaBusa - 28-09-2001, 10:33am
Re: Want a Busa - by busababy - 28-09-2001, 03:09pm
Re: Want a Busa - by WantaBusa - 28-09-2001, 04:23pm
Re: Want a Busa - by Volvi - 28-09-2001, 06:21pm
Re: Want a Busa - by GSXR1000 - 28-09-2001, 09:01pm
buy a busa - by Busa - 30-09-2001, 11:35pm

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