Kabul Weather Forecast
Scarey, where all this is going. While Bin Laden probably is to blam (and probably the Taliban as well, to some degree), any sort of war against Afghanistan and the Afghan people will probably produce undesirable side-effects...

(Do we need a new forum - political and social commentary...)

Messages In This Thread
Kabul Weather Forecast - by OLD CAHN - 20-09-2001, 07:55pm
Re: Forecast - by Frosty - 20-09-2001, 08:00pm
Re: Kabul Weather Forecast - by busababy - 20-09-2001, 09:34pm
Re: Kabul Weather Forecast - by demeester - 21-09-2001, 09:53am
Re: Kabul Weather Forecast - by busababy - 21-09-2001, 04:54pm
Re: Kabul Weather Forecast - by Greg64 - 22-09-2001, 04:04am
Re: Kabul Weather Forecast - by paul100 - 22-09-2001, 03:39pm
Kabul - by Hayabusa8u - 22-09-2001, 11:24pm

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