I inquired with radguard when after i saw them at the GP last year and was told it would be made sometime this year,they have my name and were going to let me know.I was under the inpression that the guard had to be tested on a busa for heating problems.But incase the have forgotten my name I will gladly put in for one.GREG.......gregcka@hotmail.com

Messages In This Thread
radguard - by jamie - 20-06-2001, 07:36pm
Re: radguard - by demeester - 21-06-2001, 10:24am
Re: radguard - by Fox - 21-06-2001, 01:49pm
Re: radguard - by demeester - 21-06-2001, 02:13pm
Re: radguard - by Fox - 21-06-2001, 03:11pm
Radguard - by OLD CAHN - 21-06-2001, 04:03pm
radguard - by gregg1 - 21-06-2001, 07:45pm
Re: radguard - by demeester - 22-06-2001, 12:25pm
radguard - by jamie - 22-06-2001, 08:49pm

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