G'day Guys,

I have one of these radguards installed on my '01GSXR750. They are extremely well made, look fantastic, easy to fit. I have been waiting for the Hayabusa model to be produced. So if it takes three to get them to produce a guard for the Bus.....count me in.


Messages In This Thread
radguard - by jamie - 20-06-2001, 07:36pm
Re: radguard - by demeester - 21-06-2001, 10:24am
Re: radguard - by Fox - 21-06-2001, 01:49pm
Re: radguard - by demeester - 21-06-2001, 02:13pm
Re: radguard - by Fox - 21-06-2001, 03:11pm
Radguard - by OLD CAHN - 21-06-2001, 04:03pm
radguard - by gregg1 - 21-06-2001, 07:45pm
Re: radguard - by demeester - 22-06-2001, 12:25pm
radguard - by jamie - 22-06-2001, 08:49pm

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