How Much are worth as a trade in...
You can expect to pay around $5000 for a changeover price, your bike should fetch between $12.5-13.5 trade prices. Unfortunatly all these prices dont make a changeover too attractive, especially after having a bike for 1 year to 18 months. Hence it looks like I will be keeping my '99 copper for a while yet. Good luck, let us know what sort of prices theyre offering you.

PS, I'd change the cans back to stock, before any pricing.

Messages In This Thread
How Much are worth as a trade in... - by Hayabusa1999 - 14-05-2001, 09:11am
Re: How Much are worth as a trade in... - by Volvi - 14-05-2001, 11:15am
:-) - by Hayabusa1999 - 14-05-2001, 04:35pm

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