Hayabusa TV Ad - Now Streaming

Can you put a link to download the MPEG for those who choose to (this version is great for watching one-off, but to play it a couple of times, or to keep it...)

Now, hopefully we can get the Australian one sorted out soon.

Messages In This Thread
Hayabusa TV Ad - Now Streaming - by Fox - 03-05-2001, 11:56am
Re: Hayabusa TV Ad - Now Streaming - by demeester - 03-05-2001, 12:43pm
Re: Hayabusa TV Ad - Now Streaming - by Volvi - 03-05-2001, 01:06pm
Re: Hayabusa TV Ad - Now Streaming - by demeester - 03-05-2001, 05:13pm
Re: Hayabusa TV Ad - Now Streaming - by Fox - 03-05-2001, 08:10pm

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