22-07-2003, 01:47am
Oh YUMMY! Yeast extract, uh?! I think I'll go lick the bottom of my shoes instead...not quite sure from the three responses, but is it generally liked or disliked? And who thought to make something like that? Ughhhhh...I'm not really in the mood for lunch now...
I'd have to agree with you on one thing, Bill...most women do have a "thing" for you Aussie men...I admire a few famous Aussies, and one "not really an Aussie, but Americans think he is"...that would be Mel Gibson (damn...where's the "I'm drooling" emoticon?! Guess this will do )
I'd have to agree with you on one thing, Bill...most women do have a "thing" for you Aussie men...I admire a few famous Aussies, and one "not really an Aussie, but Americans think he is"...that would be Mel Gibson (damn...where's the "I'm drooling" emoticon?! Guess this will do )