Two Wheeled Twits
That's right, you're all two wheeled twits ! That goes for me too

Must be right coz Neil Mitchell said so

This bloke has a bee in his bonnet over bikers, did any of you blokes give him a flogging back in the Rocker vs Jazzer days ? Have you seen the shitbox sports car he ponces around in ? I reckon it was pre owned by Jeb Clampett

Messages In This Thread
Two Wheeled Twits - by rev 01 - 19-07-2003, 11:53pm
Re: Two Wheeled Twits - by GDYUP - 20-07-2003, 09:32pm
twits - by rev 01 - 21-07-2003, 11:31am
Re: twits - by Throwdown - 22-07-2003, 12:58am
twits - by rev 01 - 22-07-2003, 12:25pm

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