what is this
I personally think the fairing savers are a good thing!As Bigshow says,they wont do much in a big off but they could save thousands of $$$$$ damage if the thing falls over,which is very possible with the busa dickie side stand,unless you've done the mod!

Messages In This Thread
what is this - by Xhiler8r - 28-06-2003, 07:35am
Re: what is this - by Xhiler8r - 28-06-2003, 08:36am
RE:WHAT IS THIS - by rocket rod 7777 - 28-06-2003, 11:24am
RE;WHAT IS THIS - by rocket rod 7777 - 28-06-2003, 11:26am
Re: RE;WHAT IS THIS - by peter altas - 28-06-2003, 04:11pm
Re: RE;WHAT IS THIS - by Xhiler8r - 28-06-2003, 06:04pm
Re: kermit busa - by bigshowbusa - 28-06-2003, 06:56pm
Re: kermit busa - by Xhiler8r - 28-06-2003, 10:01pm
Re: kermit busa - by demeester - 29-06-2003, 10:20am
Re: kermit busa - by rocket rod 7777 - 29-06-2003, 12:40pm
MOD? - by Anthony - 01-07-2003, 06:01pm

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