What not to say to a cop...
That's some funny shit dude, luv the dog one . i'll have to pass that one around....

Messages In This Thread
Re: What not to say to a cop... - by peter altas - 19-06-2003, 10:09am
Some more funnies......... - by Firestorm Mark - 19-06-2003, 08:23pm
.........and some more. - by Firestorm Mark - 19-06-2003, 08:28pm
Sorry guys, couldn't resist.........and some more. - by Firestorm Mark - 19-06-2003, 08:45pm
That's funny..... - by kamakazebusa - 20-06-2003, 12:15am
What not to say to a cop... - by demeester - 06-07-2004, 08:59am

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