BlueCenturion Penalty levels - when does it become Reckless?
I got a court summons after a RBT unit pulled me up on the way to picking my girlfriend up from the station.
I was already disqualified for 12 months, they didn't say anything except "see you in court". No fine, no ticket ,nothing....all I got was a little piece of paper with a court appearance date on it.....

Which brings me to my next question for BlueCenturion (I think we should make up your own personal post BC)....

I was give a ticket about 3 weeks ago for speeding 15+ ( 3 points and about $197 , except it was double demerit w'end) which ended up being 6 points off my licence, now i'm left with 6.
The question is : they didn't pull me over straight away, and the fact that they were on-coming in the opposite direction with a median strip between us, can a radar detect your speed on the other side of the road (with 3 lanes between u) and why didn't they put there lights on and do a u-turn straight away. I had already traveled 2 klm's before they pulled me up. Asked if i had an exuse for speeding I said "I wasn't aware I was speeding" It was at 11.30pm just outside eastern creek raceway, there were no other cars or trafic on the road. I got done at 80 in a 60 zone.
What I would like to know ( I'd like your opinion too ac boosa) if i take this matter to court, do i have a chance, and if so can I reduce my points.

One thing i must tell you is that my driving history is not very good.....

Messages In This Thread
Re: BlueCenturion Penalty levels - when does it become Reckl - by bluecenturion - 06-05-2003, 07:47pm
Re: BlueCenturion Penalty levels - when does it become Reckl - by kamakazebusa - 06-05-2003, 09:05pm
Re: BlueCenturion Penalty levels - when does it become Reckl - by bluecenturion - 06-05-2003, 11:52pm
To go or not to go (to Court in NSW) - by kev11e - 07-05-2003, 07:40am
Copping it sweet.... - by kamakazebusa - 07-05-2003, 08:34pm
Re: Copping it sweet.... - by ac boosa - 08-05-2003, 11:10am
Re: Copping it sweet.... - by bluecenturion - 08-05-2003, 07:57pm
Re: Copping it sweet.... - by kamakazebusa - 09-05-2003, 08:08pm

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