MRE Clutch
Standard clutch has problem. Locks up, making bike wheel stand.
So first time I went drag racing, was too timid.
Solution, buy MRE clutch!
Second time drag racing, drop clutch, get going quite well, then pulled my first wheel stand! Bugger. Not a very good time but at least this time I didn't hit the rev limiter.
Second run, after talking to expert. Expert two bikes in front, end up doing enormous wheel spin and nearly looses it. Not me!
Try a smoorther take off, front goes in the air again (this is easy stuff!!). This time, instead off making rude noises in the helmet, went for second and drilled it. Wheel spin!!! No wonder the guy is saying the track is slippery! Slower time.
Third run. Old hand now, try a really smooth run, don't nail it etc until it's really hooked up. 0.001 sec slower than first run!!
Still a mile off 10sec, but nobody seemed to be able to get a fast one, so don't feel too bad.
Ah well, have to wait for spring now.
The clutch seems OK, but it doesn't have a very positive "point" of take up. Maybe the dreaded flex is to blame, no brace fitted yet
What a hoot. Bit embarassing not getting under 10sec, but I won the second and third races, even though they got off much quicker. Once the head of steam was up, it ran them down!!
Woo hoooo. Silly old farts rules eh?

Messages In This Thread
MRE Clutch - by BEAR - 26-06-2005, 07:40pm
Re: MRE Clutch - by Maj750t - 26-06-2005, 09:06pm
MRE - by BEAR - 26-06-2005, 10:31pm
Re: MRE - by OhzOne - 26-06-2005, 10:48pm
drags - by BEAR - 27-06-2005, 01:18am
clutch - by Fat Busa Racing 1347 - 27-06-2005, 02:27am
MRE Clutch - by BEAR - 27-06-2005, 10:21am
Re: MRE Clutch - by rev 01 - 27-06-2005, 11:20am
Re: MRE Clutch - by Maj750t - 27-06-2005, 01:26pm

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