What day suits for group day at Broadford?
I'm interested but i'll check some dates.At the moment i'm riding the zx6 for track as i changed my busa setup for heathcote drags and have another meet at Wilby(between Benalla and Yarrawonga) this sunday,then preparing for the saltlakes in march.
Saw an Exiller8 calender ,they have a couple coming up at Broardford and Winton in the next few months .

Messages In This Thread
What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by Scott W - 22-01-2004, 08:18am
What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by ressac - 22-01-2004, 09:28am
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by bigshowbusa - 22-01-2004, 11:58am
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by rocket rod 7777 - 22-01-2004, 12:06pm
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by Scott W - 22-01-2004, 02:22pm
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by bigshowbusa - 22-01-2004, 03:00pm
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by ressac - 22-01-2004, 03:55pm
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by Maj750t - 23-01-2004, 07:38am
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by Scott W - 23-01-2004, 08:01am
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by Maj750t - 23-01-2004, 11:50am
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by peter altas - 26-01-2004, 12:04pm
A son? - by ressac - 27-01-2004, 07:15am
sick of seeing the Bus just sitting there! - by peter altas - 27-01-2004, 02:35pm
Re: What day suits for group day at Broadford? - by bigshowbusa - 28-01-2004, 07:49pm
Track daze - by Maj750t - 29-01-2004, 07:04am
Re: 13th Feb - by Scott W - 30-01-2004, 08:40am
Re: 13th Feb - by bigshowbusa - 30-01-2004, 12:41pm
Re: Winton session format - by Scott W - 31-01-2004, 08:50am

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