21-01-2004, 09:02pm
man, neither of those plans would work.
For me to get Full comp it would cost $2800 base, plus anything they might charge for the speeding infringement, plus the excess.
I've kinda got almost a whole set of plastics that I could get resprayed, i'm not too worried about the fairings, but damage to the left side pokey-out cover [stator cover??] and the crank is of more concern.
But apart from damage to our own bike, has anyone got any figures on damage done to others?
man, neither of those plans would work.
For me to get Full comp it would cost $2800 base, plus anything they might charge for the speeding infringement, plus the excess.
I've kinda got almost a whole set of plastics that I could get resprayed, i'm not too worried about the fairings, but damage to the left side pokey-out cover [stator cover??] and the crank is of more concern.
But apart from damage to our own bike, has anyone got any figures on damage done to others?