Synthetic oil changes...

Sorry I can't help you with my contribution. My busa is just over 2 years old and I have just clocked 8,000 km(about 333 km per month). In summary agree with your views, I think oil ratings and change periods are typically underrated.


Messages In This Thread
Synthetic oil changes... - by Throwdown - 11-11-2003, 11:45am
Re: Synthetic oil changes... - by rocket rod 7777 - 11-11-2003, 12:24pm
oils aint oils - by ressac - 11-11-2003, 01:03pm
oils aint oils - by ressac - 11-11-2003, 01:22pm
Re: Synthetic oil changes... - by Chopper Bob 1 - 11-11-2003, 08:03pm
Re: Synthetic oil changes... - by kamakazebusa - 11-11-2003, 10:58pm
I'm going with this guy... - by Throwdown - 12-11-2003, 11:38am
RE: I'm going with this guy... - by ressac - 12-11-2003, 01:28pm
Oils - by Poh - 12-11-2003, 08:41pm
hmmm... - by Throwdown - 17-11-2003, 08:43am
Oil Change Period - by mano - 17-11-2003, 11:51am
Re: Oil Change Period - by rocket rod 7777 - 17-11-2003, 02:00pm
Cheesecake oil - by GDYUP - 17-11-2003, 08:28pm

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