What's the point(s)?
Funny I was just talking to Rev about this last night.
Strongly suggest to join Roadsense (Free) as they are trying their best to do something...

An email I (David) sent.

David Lampkin

Lincom Solutions

Terry Mulder,

I believe the liberal party can come to power in the
next state election by basing their campaign entirely on one issue.

The simple fact is, that across Australia, and the world, but particularly
Victoria the general public is being subjected unfair, unjustified and
unsafe road laws, with particular and unjustified focus on speeding.

As a very large majority of voters in the state drive a car, implementing
road safety policy which doesn't discriminate, and which will reduce the
road-toll in a world leading manner will sway the votes of the general

The fundamental problem with Victoria (and Australian) road policy is the
claim that 30-40% of road fatalities are "speed related". The TAC, Vicroads,
Victoria police, and current governments regard crashes that happen at
speeds that are "inappropriate for the conditions", as speed related.

For example if a driver crashes on a wet road, on a corner doing 90 km/hr in
a 100 zone in a car with tires and handling not capable of completing the
turn, the driver hits a tree, and dies as a result. This incident would be
counted in that 30-40% of "speed related" crashes which is used to justify
the misguided use of speed cameras, and the reduction of speed limits.

My question to you is what good a speed camera can do on that road, set to
book drivers doing 100 km/hr when the crash occurred below the posted limit?

The next supporting fact for this argument is that the number of crashes
which occur above the speed limit is only around 2% this means that
government agency's such as the TAC and Victorian police are wasting their
time and money on enforcing laws that can only reduce 2% of fatal crashes
Obviously focusing on the other 98% would be more effective! Or perhaps they
are just doing their job, doing what the current government tells them, and
making more unjustified revenue thru speeding fines to keep the current
budget balanced.

I have repeatedly asked the TAC/Vicroads/state and federal governments to
tell me exactly how many how many fatal accidents are over the posted
limits, and I get no reply.

Most drivers believe that speed cameras are simply a means of raising
revenue, this statement is sadly true. Speed cameras were originally
designed to be placed at a black spot, where signs warned them of danger and
there was a camera present, this has some effect of slowing down the traffic
as drivers know the camera is there, and they slow down in the danger area.
Unfortunately this is not how cameras are used anymore, cameras are sneakily
placed on high-volume roads, and don't reduce the speed of traffic where
they are deployed, as it takes a week to receive the fine in the mail.

I strongly suggest you visit this website www.roadsense.com.au/ this
site contains information, including statistics and information from
Australia and international road safety. There are also many suggestions to
solve current road problems which should become part of road policy

Speed does not kill, collisions do.

Thanks for your time.

David Lampkin

Lincom Solutions

and the response!

Dear Mr Lampkin

Thank you for your email of 20 June 2005 to Mr Robert Doyle MP, Leader of
the Liberal Party and to Mr Terry Mulder MP, Shadow Minister for Transport.

Mr Doyle and Mr Mulder note and share your concerns.

You make some sensible observations, with which Mr Doyle and Mr Mulder

It would be of great assistance if you culled your email significantly and
emailed or wrote to the 'Herald Sun', and called 3AW talkback during
morning or afternoon weekday sessions. There are many uncommitted voters
who need to be regularly reminded that the Bracks Labor Government uses
speed cameras as a revenue-raising, rather than road safety tool. Labor
has an army of 'spin doctors' who parrot the false Government line - a line
that fails to reduce the road toll yet brings in massive amounts of money
for Labor's socialist, 'nanny state' ends.

We can win this debate - but it is a huge help to have third parties such
as yourself assisting to get the message out to the wider community.

Kind regards.

Edmund Carew
Office of Robert Doyle MP
Leader of the Liberal Party.

Z Web World

Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!

You can make a difference!
More Info


Messages In This Thread
What's the point(s)? - by Djpete - 23-06-2005, 07:24am
???? - by Maj750t - 23-06-2005, 10:05am
Re: ???? - by rocket rod 7777 - 23-06-2005, 10:36am
Yeah - by Djpete - 24-06-2005, 12:06am

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